Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Countdown: 37 Days to our Book Release!

Do you ever feel like Eeyore with a dark, rainy cloud only over you? Saying that life isn't fair doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Most days I feel totally normalized to my IBD and it doesn't bug me, but every now and then - like now sitting in my hospital bed - when everything seems to go awry, it makes me say oh so quietly 'why me?'.

Perhaps everyone feels this way from time to time. In fact, here's a quote from our upcoming book to prove it: "I've always wondered why I had to deal with this and no one else had to. Why me? What else might happen to me?"

I can't answer the 'why me' question because I ask it to. But I can, in some way, answer the 'now what' question - register for the 2011 HnW @ and follow our countdown to our book release on World IBD Day (May 19th). Volunteer with us, join us in our fight for a cure.

Jennie + YAC

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